The IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 16 No. 5 (1 May 2016)



The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 16 No. 5 (1 May 2016)

This informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted onthe IUGG website ( Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.


1. GeoUnions meet in Paris

2. ICSU Scientific Unions meeting

3. IUGG Special Publication Series

4. Meeting calendar

1. GeoUnions met in Paris

The GeoUnions (GUs) Steering Committee met in Paris, France on 11 April 2016 on the occasion of the ICSU Scientific Unions meeting. The meeting was hosted by the Société Géologique de France at Maison de la Géologie. Representatives of nine Unions participated in the meeting. Alik Ismail Zadeh (IUGGSecretary General) chaired the Steering Committee meeting. The IUGG President Michael Sideris represented IUGG. The representatives of GUs discussed the important topics related to the Agenda of the Scientific Unions Meeting (held on 12-13 April). The major topics were: (i) the challenges and opportunities for ICSU and scientific Unions within a shifting global scientific landscape; (ii) the placeof ICSU and its Unions in the world scientific community; (iii) the role of Unions in the activities of ICSU interdisciplinary bodies; (iv) the benefits of Unions being under the ICSU umbrella and the benefits of ICSU having Unions as Members; (v) “Open Data Campaign”, a new initiative of the Science International (a coalition of ICSU with other international science organizations); (vi) the future of the relationship between ICSU and the International Social Sciences Council (ISSC); (vii) the cooperation with Future Earth and other ICSU interdisciplinary bodies.David Black, ICSU Secretary General, attended the meeting andtook part in the discussions related to the ICSU Executive Board’s proposal about the changes in the procedure of voting for the Executive Board membership.

GUs is a network of representatives of nine international scientific unions of the International Council for Sciences (ICSU) dealing with Earth and space sciences (

GUs established a Steering Committee in 2004 to promote the sciences worldwide, to communicate and to coordinate scientific activities of individual unions, and to speak on behalf of GUs members to the ICSU Executive Board, ICSU Members and its interdisciplinary bodies and at international level, especially to the United Nations organizations and other global stakeholders.

2. ICSU Scientific Unions meeting

The triennial meeting of the International Council for Science's Union Members took place at the Fondation Simone et Cino del Duca in Paris, France on 12-13 April 2016. At the meeting, representatives from the Union Members heard updates about its activities since the General Assembly in Auckland in 2014, shared their own reports on major activities, and discussed the way forward for the Council and the Unions in the next 18 months until the General Assembly in Taipei in October 2017. A particular focus of the discussion was the ongoing process to develop a new strategic plan for the organization. The discussion covered many topics including two central questions: What are the new or emerging global challenges that the international scientific community should be helping to solve? And what kind of actions could the Council take to address those challenges? The meeting also provided the opportunity for participantsto network informally with members of the Council's Executive Board and the Directors of several of its interdisciplinary bodies.

Source: ICSU website

3. IUGG Special Publication Series

The new book “Dynamics and Predictability of Large-Scale, High-Impact Weather and Climate Events” was published by the Cambridge University Press.

This volume, written by leading researchers in the field, covers a range of important research issues related to high-impact weather and extreme climate

events. Dynamical linkages between these extremes and various atmospheric and ocean phenomena are examined, including Atlantic Multi-decadal,

North Atlantic, and Madden–Julian Oscillations; Annular Modes; tropical cyclones; and Asian monsoons. This book also examines the predictability of

highimpact weather and extreme climate events on multiple time scales, and enhances understanding of dynamical and physical processes associated withthese events.

A proposal for the book “Global Change and Future Earth: The Geodetic and Geophysical Perspective” as a part of the IUGG Series was approved by the Cambridge University Press Syndicate for publication. The book will be edited by Tom Beer, Jianping Li, and Keith Alverson.

4. Meeting calendar

A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG website ( Individual Associations also list more meetings on their websites according to their disciplines.


- 17-20, WCRP, Stockholm, Sweden, International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2016 (ICRC-CORDEX 2016). Web:

- 18-20, IAHS, IUGG, Bochum, Germany, 7th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS. Web:

- 22-27, AGU, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Chapman Conference on Currents in Geospace and Beyond. Web:

- 23-27, IAPSO, IUGG, SCOR, Liège, Belgium, 48th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: “Submesoscale Processes: Mechanisms, Implications and new Frontiers”. Web:

- 25-27, IAG, San Sebastian, Spain, European Reference Frame (EUREF) 2016 Symposium. Web:

- May 23-June 3, ICTP, IUGG, Trieste, Italy, Eighth ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models. Web:


- 5-9, AGU, Cuenca, Ecuador, Chapman Conference on Emerging Issues in Tropical Ecohydrology. Web:

- 5-9, IAG, Trieste, Italy, 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides (GET 2016). Web:

- 6-10, CMG, IUGG, Paris, France, 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics: From Mathematics to Experiments (CMG2016).


- 6-10, IAG, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, International Service for the Geoid (ISG) Geoid School. Web:

- 7-17, IACS, IUGG, McCarthy, AK, USA, International Summer School in Glaciology. Web:

- 13-17, IAMAS, Helsinki, Finland, 6th International HEPPA-SOLARIS Workshop. Web:

- 13-17, IASPEI, IUGG, Apatity, Kola Peninsula, Russia, X International Workshop “Physics and Forecasting of Rock Destruction” and VI Russian-China Scientific Forum “Challenges of non-linear geomechanics at large depths”. Web:!homegeneral/zvq2f

- 15, IAHS, Paris, France, 12th Kovacs Colloquium “Water-related SDGs implementation:

Knowledge, data, indicators, tools & innovations”. Web:

- 20-22, IASPEI, IUGG, San Jose, Costa Rica, II Regional Assembly Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC-2016).


- 27-28, CODATA, Berlin, Germany, RIMMA 2016. Interdisciplinary International Workshop on RISK Information Management,

Risk Models and Applications. Web:

- June 27 - July 7, ICTP, IUGG, Trieste, Italy, Summer School on Aerosol Cloud Interactions and International CFMIP Conference on Clouds,

Circulation and Climate Sensitivity.



- 3-10,

IAVCEI, IUGG, Mt. Etna, Aeolian Islands, Italy, 3rd International Workshop on Volcano Geology.


- 4-8, EAS, IAGA, Athens, Greece, European Week of Astronomy and Space Science.Special session SS2 "Solar

Terrestrial Coupling and Space Weather: State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects". Web:

- 4-17, CODATA, Beijing, China, CODATA International Training Workshop in Big Data for Science. Web:

- 11-15, IAHS, Okehampton, UK, 2016 ICCE Symposium. Web:

- 12-19, ISPRS, Prague, Czech Republic, 12th Congress. Web:

- 18-21, IUGG, IAGA, CODATA, Sochi, Russia, International Conference "Data Intensive System Analysis for Geohazard Studies".


- 18-23, IAU, IAG, IERS, Wuhan, China. Geodesy, Astronomy and Geophysics in Earth Rotation (GAGER2016) - A Joint IAU / IAG / IERS Symposium.


- 18-29, ICTP, IUGG, Pune, India, Advanced School on Earth System Modelling &Workshop on Climate Change and Regional Impacts over South Asia.


- 22-25, IAG, Tianjin, China, International Symposium on Geodesy and Geodynamics (ISGG2016).


- 24-28, IAHS, Shenzhen, China. 9th International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Groundwater Quality Conference (GQ16).


- 24-29, SEDI, Nantes, France. SEDI 2016 – 15th International Symposium on the Study of the Earth’s Interior.


- 25-29, IAMAS, IUGG, Manchester, UK. 17th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation.


- 27-29, IAHS, Liege, Belgium, 4th IAHR Europe Congress. Web:

- 27-30, IAG, Shanghai, China. 1st International Conference on GNSS+ (ICG+2016). Web:

- July 30 - August 7, COSPAR, Istanbul, Turkey, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Web:

- July 31 - August 5, AOGS, Beijing, China. 13th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences

Society. Web:

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 16 Number 5 (1 May 2016)

Editors: Tom Beer, Alik Ismail-Zadeh (Editor-in-Chief), Franz Kuglitsch (Associate Editor), and

Kathryn Whaler.
